Living Cultural Realty


长岛 8 月房价同比降 2.8%

        据长岛地产经纪合作协会(MLSLI) 9 月 17 日的统计数据显示,纳苏郡(NASSAU COUNTY)、皇后区(QUEENS BOROUGH)和苏福克郡 (SUFFOLK COUNTY)等一区俩郡今年8 月房屋销售中间价为 $364,500,环比上升 1.2%,同比下降 2.8%。其市场表现依次纳苏郡销售中间价为$420,000,同比下降4.5%,详见附图 1(点击附图,可开另窗,下同);皇后区销售中间价为$358,610,同比上升了2.5%,详见附图 2;苏福克郡销售中间价$324,000,同比$325,000略降,详见附图 3。

        2 郡 1 区房屋 8 月销售量为 2, 482个,环比2, 222个上升了11.7%,同比也上升了11.7%。独立住宅库存总量仍然保持大量剩余状态,有33,702 个,环比34,399个下降2%,同比33,935个,降幅小于1%(详见附图 4)。

        另据纽约州地产经纪协会 10 月 4 日的统计显示,从全州范围看,售量同比上升了 26%,比 7 月份上升了11.4%。销售中间价为 $220,000,同比下降了7.6%,比 7 月份下降了 1.8%。详见下文:

New York State home sales show double-digit increases

uneven recovery continues

Albany –Sept. 27, 2011 – New York State home sales were up nearly 26 percent in August compared to the same time last year, and up 11.4 percent compared to the July sales total, according to preliminary single-family sales data accumulated by the New York State Association of REALTORS. The statewide median sales price decreased slightly from July.

“The jump in August sales while the median sales price decreased for the first time in four months continues to show uneven recovery in our state’s housing market,” said Duncan R. MacKenzie, NYSAR chief executive officer. “These August numbers need to be seen in the context of the post federal tax-credit hangover last year and a weak July market this year.”

“Historically low interest rates and strong affordability conditions should be enticing to consumers,” said MacKenzie, “but with dismal economic news and slow job growth buyer enthusiasm remains greatly tempered. We anticipate the market to remain in an uneven recovery, especially given the devastation caused by Tropical Storms Irene and Lee in many areas of our state.”

New York REALTORS sold 7,752 existing single-family homes in August, an increase of 25.8 percent from the August 2010 total of 6,163. The August 2011 sales total is also an increase of 11.4 percent compared to the July 2011 total of 6,960.

The August 2011 median sales price of $220,000 represents a decrease of 1.8 percent compared to the July 2011 median sales price of $224,000 and a decrease of 7.6 percent compared to the August 2010 median sales price of $238,000.
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图 2

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图 4(图片均由 MLSLI 制作)

